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Vibrant and Veganfull (V&V) provides vegan recipes to support health and contributions to sustainability.  V&V also explores ideas and concepts to provide you informed choices for living more sustainably.

With love & hope for a better future for all of us - Jamie

Fresh Vegetables in Basket
Post: Welcome

Quick & Easy Napa Chickpea Salad Wraps

Writer's picture: Jamie LangesJamie Langes

It's been almost a year since my last recipe / post...did you miss me? Well, maybe not "me" me, but miss this space of occupancy in the vast scheme of reels, videos, posts and creativity? I know I did.

I'm going to be real and let you in on my little secret; I wrote a farewell post to this blog in September last year. I didn't publish it. Interestingly, it was for my favorite cookie, so why wouldn't I post it and be done - one last hurrah, right? I even tied it in on leaving this venture behind on a sweet note; clever, I thought.

In any event, I didn't publish it (and maybe I'll keep it long term; it can still be a farewell - when I'm truly ready). I think my subconscious knew I wasn't done here yet before my actual brain knew that I was going to continue. It was finished, but I was unwilling to be totally finished with this venture; without really deciding to, I signed on again for this website and my domain for another year. I guess I always knew I would return and that comforts me in many ways. That sustainability and the vegan lifestyle I lead as a part of my personal efforts towards sustainability are still important to me and will always be a part of my future. Enough that I would want to continue to leave my legacy in words, recipes and support of others (including my kids) that are ready to make sustainability important to them to for their future.

Sustainability Spotlight: Much like my finished but still "unfinished" post, sustainability efforts around the globe remain at the "almost there but just not quite getting to the result" stage. The future is not yet fully written, but we are certainly envisioning sustainability as a large portion of what our next generations can expect and need to overcome.

We have more options for electrical vehicles but the infrastructure doesn't support them and the market is cooling on their offerings (In Feb this year, Apple cancelled their decade-long EV car venture). We have more options for solar power, but climate change are devastating solar panel arrays (just two weeks ago, this video was taken and posted by ABC7 News Chicago of a massive solar array in Texas demolished by hail), and wind farms are being cancelled due to inflation, supply chain and increasing protest of off-shore builds.

Where do we find the perseverance? In ourselves and our faith in the fact that there is a future that's better / different than this one. In our everyday choices; in how we support our tax dollars with elected officials; in how we select consumer-based products day-by-day. Via programs supported by local, state and federal government rebates, bills, and tax credits, solar arrays for homes are becoming affordable. Such arrays are lower in complexity which means that climate events (like hail) are not as devastating to arrays; additionally, more resources are becoming available to mitigate against damages such as those outlined by the Department of Energy (DOE) on their website. Companies and governments are working together to lower costs of wind turbines and alleviate supply chain distribution snarls to increase opportunities for these alternative energy solutions. More local options for electrical supply are offering offsets in their supply chain to promote alternative solutions (i.e. - x amount of your month energy comes from solar or wind arrays).

What I love about today's climate (forgive the pun) for sustainability efforts is the tireless ways we are electing not to give up our plans or ideologies for supporting new and better ways to manage, store, move and use energy across the globe. The way we are planning and making our future a reality for sustainability.

Like the pathway for sustainability, I too (and I'm sure you are as well) often diverted from my efforts by various causes and the resulting effect is that I must choose not to give up. Not to give up on myself, not to give up on what causes me joy, and not to give up on what brings me happiness and support for my sustainability efforts. Most of all, not to give up for the future that my children will inherit.

This blog, the recipes I create and the lifestyle choices that I support and champion are my way forward. Welcome to the 2024 version of V&V - a constant evolution of change, support and advancement for promotion of sustainability efforts. One such way is my continued plant-based choices for how I utilized food as both a fuel for my body (for energy) and an alternative to the conventional choices of a meat-centric approach to life. I'm ready to reinvigorate and reinvent some more; hopefully you are still along for the ride.


  • 4 tbsp vegan mayo (I used Follow Your Heart - Original)

  • 4 tbsp plain almond yogurt (I used Kite)

  • 1/2 lemon (juiced)

  • 1 tsp stone ground mustard

  • salt & pepper (to taste) - start at 1/4 tsp each

  • 1/2 tsp of garlic powder

  • 1/2 tsp onion powder

  • 1 can chickpeas (rinsed & drained); slightly smashed (just did this with my hands after rinsing)

  • 3 ounces snap peas (chopped)

  • 2 stalks celery (sliced thinly)

  • 2 green onions (chopped)

  • 1/4 cup dried cherries (chopped)

  • 1 cup brown rice & quinoa mix (I used Uncle Ben's minute cups - just rinse & recycle cup!)

  • handful of micro greens (I used a "spicy mix" from a local greenhouse)

  • romaine lettuce leaves (torn)

  • spinach wraps (or other of choice)


  1. Combine may through onion powder in a medium bowl till smooth

  2. Add chickpeas through cherries and stir to mix well

  3. Place 1-2 large romaine lettuce leaves onto wrap. Next, put 3-4 large serving spoons of your "chickpea salad" into a spinach wrap, and then, top with micro-greens. Fold & roll the wrap.

  4. Cut in half and serve immediately; store any extra wraps in the fridge for lunches!

With love & hope for a better future for all of us - Jamie


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