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Vibrant + Sustainable = Veganfull

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Veggie Packed Pasta Primavera

Recently, I've been feeling a bit of a malaise; not about most things in my life, but certainly about this blog. As many bloggers...

Spaghetti Squash & Mushroom Scampi

If there is a more interesting whole food than spaghetti squash, I don't know what it is but it would have to be incredibly spectacular...

Cream of Chick(pea) & Noodles

Growing up, chicken and noodles was one of my favorite dishes. Amish (egg) noodles with chicken simmered all day in salted water to...

Screamin' Sicilian Orzo Pasta

Making this pasta was an evolution; you should see the notebook where I had all the ingredients written, scribbled, scratched and amended....

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