Jamie LangesSep 2, 20213 min readCaramel Apple Overnight Power OatsSo, my last blog was about how summer wouldn't let go, and now, I'm writing from a day bathed in crisp mid-70s temperature in a sunny...
Jamie LangesMay 31, 20214 min readCreamy Cheesy Noodles with Steamed Broccoli & Hemp SeedWho doesn't like "mac n' cheese?" I'm not sure I have met any person who has said, "No, I don't like mac n' cheese." Oh, except for my...
Jamie LangesMay 17, 20212 min readFresh Banana & PB ToastBreakfast. It has to be easy, quick, tasty and a powerhouse! I need to start my day fueled and ready to go: whether I'm hitting the...
Jamie LangesMay 10, 20212 min readCrunchy Avocado Toast with Balsamic & BasilAvocado toast; it has risen and fallen in favor amongst the populous, but in my house, it's one of my favorite breakfasts and will never...